I need to download the software for my computer


I need to know my license key to register the software on my computer

Get key

I need to add a new language to the software that I already have

Add language

Download Level 1 / Levels 1-2-3 Download Edition for your computer

Select your operating system below and select 'save' or 'save as' to save the installation file to your download directory. After the download is complete, install the software and activate it using your email address and license key.

You will need your license key to activate the software. If you don't know your license key, click here and we'll look it up for you.

Retrieve your license key

Please enter the email you used to register the software when you first installed it. We will email you the license key and also show it here.

Enter the same email you used to register the software when you first installed it.

Add an additional language

To add an additional language, please make sure you have already installed and activated Level 1 / Levels 1-2-3 Download Edition on your computer. After you've done this, enter the information below and the next time you open the software and have an internet connection, the new language will download automatically and be available to learn.

Enter the voucher code for the language you wish to add

Enter the same email you used to register the software when you first installed it.


Here's the message

Enter your details to download Level 1 / Levels 1-2-3 Download Edition

It looks like you haven't yet registered, so you'll need to fill out your details to get the download links for Level 1 / Levels 1-2-3 Download Edition. We'll show them to you here and send a copy via email

Download and activate Level 1 / Levels 1-2-3 Download Edition

Choose your operating system below and select SAVE or SAVE AS to save the installation file to your download directory. After the download is complete, install the software and activate it using your email address and license key.

Email address


License key



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